University Institute of Fashion Technology and Vocational Development (UIFT&VD) is an in-Campus Institute, established by the Panjab University, Chandigarh in 2007 as a commitment to carry forward its goal of providing trained professionals for the fast growing fashion, apparel, and textile industry in the region in particular and the country in general. UIFT&VD offers a prestigious Five Year Integrated B.Sc. & M.Sc. Degree in Fashion and Lifestyle Technology. The program laid out in a semester system focuses on self sustaining education and training in fashion and lifestyle technology. First three years of the course comprise of Foundation and Core Studies of which sixth semester entails Industrial Training with an option to undertake an Industry or a Design Project. The students are awarded a B.Sc. Degree in Fashion & Lifestyle Technology on the completion of the course. With showcasing a Design Collection and having an insight of the Retail Business of Branded Fashion the course prepares the students for decent earning and self employment.
Two years spent in M.Sc. Fashion & Lifestyle Technology have the students take up across the country visits for Craft Documentation. They undergo extensive specialized research followed by seminars and presentations. An intensive study of Organization and Management Skills required to run a Fashion and Lifestyle Business further prepares the students to find their niche' in the work sphere.
Highly trained and experienced faculty is involved in giving thorough theoretical and practical knowledge inputs to the students. This, along with assistance rendered to lead the students in task based studies helps the young learners to hone their talent to face the challenging requirements of the Fashion Industry.
To move into the global mainstream of intense economic competition and to reckon with requirement of the Fashion Industry of India in totality, the Department liaises with fashion related organizations for guiding the students in handling latest technology. There is regular interaction with experts at Design Studios, Production Houses, Distribution Centres and Retail Establishments as well as the Industry to form a vital bridge between University Institute of Fashion Technology and the larger community. Through an MOU with Nottingham Trent University, U.K. a series of exchanges have begun, giving rise to cross cultural teaching and learning process.
The department offers state of the art equipment for hands on experience of the students. A proposed Resource Centre and an Amphitheatre shall take the Institute to the next level in terms of infrastructural facilities.
Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )
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